Friday, August 3, 2007

The Beginning

Book: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Length: 189 pages
Read: pgs. 5-6 I went to the library and checked out three books: The Great Gatsby, Walden and other Writings, and Lies My Teacher Told Me.
I kept thinking how I always read really good stuff, but since I have such a horrible memory, it all wastes away. Then, as I started reading The Great Gatsby, I realized I could use a blog to record my impressions, favorite quotes, summaries, etc. Saving word documents are a hassle, and I figure, blogging is the most organized solution.

Though I have only gone through 2 pages so far, I was very impressed with this quote:
"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages you have."
I guess, more than anything, it has relevance to my own life. But it's a great quote nonetheless, and advice worth following.

This is supposed to be a great book, so we'll have to see how the story unravels.

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